Case Studies

The Galleria at Fort Lauderdale sought to penetrate the local market in a deeper and more impactful way. The property had completed a touted renovation which added more restaurants and a grander main entrance. The mall had a history of philanthropy, but the recognition of donations had a short shelf life in the media and in the eyes of the consumer. The questions were clear: What can we do to make a bolder statement? How do we excite the leading demographic-women? What signature event or program will have longevity? How can we make magic on a limited budget? What can we create that would entice sponsors and engage retailers?
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GPR ideated, presented and organized the Men of Style concept. The strategy was to engage local charities who would select leading men to walk the runway and showcase fashions from mall retailers. Charity selection was key, and the event structure needed to be flexible to allow for nonprofit organization input as to the cost of tickets, choice of men of style and event logistics. A viable tactic was grassroots marketing with the philanthropies leading the way to promote the event and sell tickets to their supporter base. The chosen “men of style” were also part of the plan as they would rally friends, family and work associates to engage, support and be present at the event. Sponsorship development and media partnerships were crucial cornerstones of this effort as they provided both funding and complementary advertising. A leading news anchor to host the runway show would also add credibility and excitement.
Years later, the event continues to be a major success and has grown from five to 12 charities. 2020 was the 14th year of this highly successful sold out event that has become a local tradition, drawing 900-1,200 people and raising nearly $100,000 a year.
Title and presenting cash sponsors plus in-kind contributions help fund the event. A kick-off party two months prior to the event was established and underwritten by a leading restaurant. As many as 15 restaurants donate their time, food and staff to provide delicious food during the event.
GPR continues to coordinate the effort and be the lead contact for the 12 charities on behalf of the property. GPR handles all PR and marketing elements, as well as produces all the promotional materials and coordinates the runway show. GPR works side-by-side with The Galleria at Fort Lauderdale to orchestrate a seasoned event, handle décor planning and court valued sponsors.
The marketing and PR results are impressive at over 25 million impressions. A partnership with a strong lifestyle magazine results in a pre-event six to eight-page fashion spread showcasing the Men of Style and fashions from assorted mall retailers. This partnership also offers editorial and social media support at no cost to the property. A popular TV news anchor hosts the runway show which typically garners post event TV coverage. The community reach is immeasurable with 12 charities and 12 leading men promoting the event via eblasts, social media and word of mouth further solidifying The Galleria at Fort Lauderdale as a household name.

GPR | Goodman Public Relation’s Michael Goodman has been Tri-Rail’s external marketing project manager for more than 20 years. As South Florida’s commuter rail system operating through Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties, Tri-Rail relies on marketing and PR to attract and retain its ridership. Over the years, it has had its challenges with poor on-time performance, system interruptions and a lack of connections. Tri-Rail needed a boost to grow its weekend service, to raise awareness of its $5 flat rate, all-day train service on weekends and holidays and to promote that it was a viable transportation option to get families to popular South Florida destinations. GPR was tasked with creating an effort aimed at educating the public while at the same time increasing ridership. How could we better connect with area attractions to motivate them to include Tri-Rail on their website and in promotional materials as a transportation option. How could we garner positive press and make riding the train fun?
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After research, collaborative community calls and creative brainstorming, GPR developed a one-day Ride & Play program with an objective to inspire/invite leisure riders to ride the train to enjoy incentives at popular hot spots. The strategy and tactics set forth for success were to:
- Create a festive atmosphere onboard the train with costumed characters, balloon artists and entertainment
- Cross promote train service with popular destinations to educate the public about transportation alternatives
- Engage local attractions to offer a discount for riders who presented their validated Tri-Rail ticket on Ride & Play Day
- Partner with local radio personalities to ride Tri-Rail to attract new riders
GPR identified the best time of year to execute the program, designed all promotional materials including website and social media elements, engaged with promotional partners to confirm special offers, developed and implement a comprehensive traditional and digital media campaign and implemented a PR and social media campaign. The GPR strength is having full-service capabilities to 100% execute this effort.
Tri-Rail’s Ride & Play continues to be a hit with locals and tourists! The inaugural event and subsequent events that followed resulted in the highest daily ridership – 9,477 passengers – of any other weekend day in the 28-year history of the transit system. By promoting the event in various media, the campaign’s messages reached millions of consumers in the region:
- 4,153 page views on the Ride & Play landing page on the Tri-Rail website
- 1.16 million impressions via print advertising
- 6.6 million impressions via media publicity
- 559,869 impressions via online web banner and email marketing
- 918,497 people reached via radio advertising
- More than 122,000 impressions via Facebook Ads
- More than 12,300 impressions via Facebook Posts
- More than 2,300 Facebook Event page responses, with 11,000 event page views
Individuals, couples and families have been motivated to ride the train and explore tri-county attractions. Hot spots like Vizcaya and Bayside Marketplace in Miami, Museum of Discovery and Science in Broward and the former City Place and Palm Beach Zoo in Palm Beach have joined forces to participate in the effort. PR coverage included in family publications and community newspapers outshone the sporadic negative coverage in opinion and business sections of the major daily newspapers. Overall, ridership of the train has annually increased due in part to efforts like this that inspire people to try rail. The special event also won first place for special events from the Florida Public Transportation Association’s annual marketing awards.